Coving and covings

ety of trinkets and execution, decorative stucco. This stucco home depending on what size is to have, it can be done both independently and custom made in various companies involved in art products. For small stucco home you may i

Coving and covings

Ornamental features stucco

Owners of new homes are looking for good ways to their decorative finish. Among these processes can be distinguished both placing in selected locations house a variety of trinkets and execution, decorative stucco. This stucco home depending on what size is to have, it can be done both independently and custom made in various companies involved in art products. For small stucco home you may include placing more decorative strips and decorative profiles. It features ornate depend, eg. To emphasize the color of the walls of a room or hanging a picture is highlighted in the selected location. As a result, domestic premises may take an additional expression.

Posting stucco home

Domestic stucco may have different sizes and shapes. Therefore stucco having a large size can be ordered in companies involved in-maker ornamental cornices and ornaments. Plans for its implementation and the insertion should be prepared even during the construction of the house, and thus will be able to proceed with its implementation immediately after leaving the house construction team. As a result, it will also be well matched to the color of the walls and the general expression of specific rooms. While smaller stucco elements can be ordered based on the list sold by the company goods. This allows home owners themselves can also decorate it at any time.

Molding, or

Molding, or (Commonwealth), also known as coving (UK, Australia), is a strip of material with various profiles used to cover transitions between surfaces or for decoration. It is traditionally made from solid milled wood or plaster, but may be made from plastic or reformed wood. In classical architecture and sculpture, the molding is often carved in marble or other stones.

A "sprung" molding has bevelled edges that allow mounting between two non-parallel planes (such as a wall and a ceiling), with an open space behind the molding. Other types of molding are referred to as "plain".


1 Theory
2 Types
3 See also
4 References
5 Further reading


At their simplest, moldings are a means of applying light- and dark-shaded stripes to a structural objects without having to change the material or apply pigments. The contrast of dark and light areas gives definition to the object.

Imagine the vertical surface of a wall lit by sunlight at an angle of about 45 degrees above the wall. Adding a small overhanging horizontal molding to the surface of the wall will introduce a dark horizontal shadow below the molding, which in consequence is called a fillet molding. Adding a vertical fillet to a horizontal surface will create a light vertical shadow. Graded shadows are possible by using moldings in different shapes: the concave cavetto molding produces a horizontal shadow that is darker at the top and lighter at the bottom; an ovolo (convex) molding makes a shadow that is lighter at the top and darker at the bottom. Other varieties of concave molding are the scotia and congé and other convex moldings the echinus, the torus and the astragal.

Placing an ovolo directly above a cavetto forms a smooth s-shaped curve with vertical ends that is called an ogee or cyma reversa molding. Its shadow appears as a band light at the top and bottom but dark in the interior. Similarly, a cavetto above an ovolo forms an s with horizontal ends, called a cyma or cyma recta. Its shadow shows two dark bands with a light interior.

Together the basic elements and their variants form a decorative vocabulary that can be assembled and rearranged in endless combinations. This vocabulary is at the core of both classical architecture and Gothic architecture.

Decorative moldings have been made of wood, stone and cement. Recently moldings made of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) as a core with a cement-based protective coating have become popular. These moldings have environmental, health and safety concerns that were investigated by Doroudiani et al.1
