Preparation for plumbing repairs
Faults associated with the plumbing happens sometimes all of us. In many homes, even the newest sometimes burst pipe or other failures occur, which cause great inconvenience or damage to the premises, which is why it is important that in such situations to react quickly and efficiently. We should always, of course, to call a repair specialist, but it is also important that before his arrival accordingly to prepare. It is worth checking exactly what went wrong and to pass this information to the skilled person, but before it with us will, we should also prepare well for the room in which it will work, and for this purpose, remove any unnecessary items. Thanks to this specialist will have enough space to work and quickly repair the failure.
Some facts about history of water supplies
As recently as the late 19th century sewerage systems in some parts of the rapidly industrializing United Kingdom were so inadequate that water-borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid remained a risk.
From as early as 1535 there were efforts to stop polluting the River Thames in London. Beginning with an Act passed that year that was to prohibit the dumping of excrement into the river. Leading up to the Industrial Revolution the River Thames was identified as being thick and black due to sewage, and it was even said that the river ?smells like death.?24 As Britain was the first country to industrialize, it was also the first to experience the disastrous consequences of major urbanisation and was the first to construct a modern sewerage system to mitigate the resultant unsanitary conditions.citation needed During the early 19th century, the River Thames was effectively an open sewer, leading to frequent outbreaks of cholera epidemics. Proposals to modernise the sewerage system had been made during 1856, but were neglected due to lack of funds. However, after the Great Stink of 1858, Parliament realised the urgency of the problem and resolved to create a modern sewerage system.
Joseph Bazalgette, a civil engineer and Chief Engineer of the Metropolitan Board of Works, was given responsibility for the work. He designed an extensive underground sewerage system that diverted waste to the Thames Estuary, downstream of the main centre of population. Six main interceptor sewers, totalling almost 100 miles (160 km) in length, were constructed, some incorporating stretches of London's 'lost' rivers. Three of these sewers were north of the river, the southernmost, low-level one being incorporated in the Thames Embankment. The Embankment also allowed new roads, new public gardens, and the Circle Line of the London Underground.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_water_supply_and_sanitation
drain water from the washing machine
Connecting the machine is connected with the provision of its good water drainage. As a result, our clothes are cleaned properly and we will not have to contend with the problem of leakage of water from the washing machine. One of the causes of such leakage is, in fact, not connected to the drain hose of the washing machine water from it. So it is good that we are not trying to connect the machine alone, but ordered professional to best plumber who turns on the occasion of our washing machine for the first time and check if it was really well connected. It is also important that the water valve mounted on the washing machine was not sure and did not allow for the fact that the water starts to pour into the machine, although it was not by us on.